Trademark Health Check is a free service designed to assist New Zealand companies in navigating China's trademark system. The service provides a tailored report that includes information specific to the brand on dilution risk, registration risk, and infringement risk. We believe that this service will be of great value to your members whether they are currently in China or plan to export to China in future.
NZBRiC can provide bespoke two-way business and government delegation support. For New Zealand delegations travelling to China or Chinese delegations travelling to New Zealand, our expertise and extensive networks in both markets will ensure you make the most of your time; gaining valuable insights and making high-level connections during your trip. Get in touch with us to discuss your travel plans.
For organisations looking for project or event management relevant to New-Zealand China trade, NZBRiC has the experience, expertise and networks to manage your activity from conception to delivery. Get in touch with us to discuss further.